Saturday, March 22, 2014

Lady Gaga rocks out Doritos #BoldStage

Sausage, vomit, inspiration, and talent over all. That’s what Doritos #BoldStage came with last night.
Lady Gaga kicked off the spotlight at South By Southwest in a typically memorable fashion. The pop singer began her appearance at Stubb’s BBQ on Thursday night during the annual music festival and conference by roasting herself on a spit like a gutted pig as her dancers basted her with barbecue brushes, and then things got really weird.
But it was not all about Gaga getting roasted on stage, or covered in vomit. She also took a moment right after performing Gypsy to dedicate the song to the tragedy that occurred on March 12th, when two people died and another 23 got injured at the SXSW in Austin, Tx saying: “I really want to dedicate this song to the tragedy of last night, because we are all just wandering the Earth trying to find each other.”
If you missed her incredible performances, you can now watch below the full show along with high quality photos.

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